Here we go with this weeks edition of Best of the Week!
Movie Trailer of the Week:
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters – In theatres January 25th, 2013
Synopsis:In this spin on the fairy tale, Hansel & Gretel are now bounty hunters who track and kill witches all over the world. As the fabled Blood Moon approaches, the siblings encounter a new form of evil that might hold a secret to their past.
Who needs breadcrumbs when you can have bounty hunting! So, let’s take a favourite childhood story and update it for the 21st century. The cast is led by Jeremy Renner as Hansel(Hurt Locker, The Avengers, The Bourne Legacy) and Famke Janssen (X-Men series) as Muriel, but I’ll want to see it for Gemma Arteton as Gretel, as she was the gorgeous Strawberry Fields in Quantum of Solace.
YouTube Video of the Week:
Toy Story : Live Action
Wow, this is stunning. YouTube user JonasonsMovies actually took the time to re-create the 1995 Disney/Pixar hit scene for scene, and with permission from Pixar! Given time and money, I would probably do something similar, or just keep making videos of my dachshund.
News Article of the Week:
Google denies killing a donkey in a Botswana hit and run.
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and in this case, it is. Google, who are working to get Street View in more and more locations, are currently uploading portions of Botswana, in Southern Africa. Eagle eyed users spotted what looked like a donkey lying dead in the road. Google has defended itself on the Street View blog, letting us know that the donkey is perfectly fine.

Meme of the Week: Boardroom Suggestion

I work in an office, and I can assure you that things like this should happen every day. Now, why don’t you browse through some of the meme’s over at Knowyourmeme.
As always, I’m still open to suggestions for other categories, and for nominations to get included on the list. You can let me know at: oftheweekATleighcDOTcom