Someone looks comfy

[singlepic id=3 w=320 h=240 float=left]This is Tux, one of our cats, and the only other male in the house besides me.

He likes to wonder into a room with people and just lay down at random…

Oh, and he is named Tux because he is black and white, not for any other reason (Ladies will understand)

So, I guess I need a webpage…

So, I finally got my hands on one of the domain’s I’ve wanted since I first found the internet… and what did I do? squat on it for 6 months…

I’m going to have to get used to having this ‘blog’ like page, but this is hella easier then writing everything from scratch like I used to in the 90’s.

Anyways, I guess I will just jot down random posts whenever I get time, and maybe write about some of my favourite things, or other things that interest me.