Category Archives: Longdog


It’s Dachshund Time!


Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I’m a Dachshund, so love me, maybe?
To some of you, I may also be know as a Weenie Dog, Weiner Dog, Sausage Dog, Doxie, Long Dog or even a Tekkel Doxie.
Now some of you may be wondering why I’m writing about dachshunds… Well, let’s start with the fact that I (and the wife of course) own a doxie, in fact, she can be seen in the picture to the left. Her name is Tinker, after Tinkerbell, and she is a dapple patterned, tween (she’s not big enough to be a standard and a little to big to be a miniture) size dachshund that also has Heterochromia iridum (2 different coloured eyes).

So, now on to the real reason behind a post dedicated to the lovable dachshund.

  1. I want to setup a Dachshund Race
  2. I recently acquired
Dachshund Racing just plain looks fun, even if there are people that do not condone it. From what I have been able to find, the nearest organized event to me (at least in Canada)is in Montreal. I would like to do an event for the maritime’s, inviting dogs from Atlantic Canada and New England to come compete in a fun event, with some prizes (and hopefully some sponsors of course) and all to raise some money for the local Animal Rescue League, Canadian Dachshund Rescue and Dachshund Rescue of North America.
So, now I have to decide, should I register Tinker and go to the Montreal Wiener Dog Races, or spend that time planning a 2013 Dachshund race in Saint John. I also need to figure out what I want to do with I initially wanted to setup a Word Press style site with forums dedicated to all things doxie, or maybe use it as the front for my dachshund racing plans, and eventually the event itself.
I’ll come back this soon, and post an update.
In the meantime, consider donating to one of the organizations below, adopting your very own Dachshund or both.
Canadian Dachshund Rescue
Canadian Dachshund Rescue
Saint John Animal Rescue League
Saint John Animal Rescue League
Dachshund Rescue of North America
Dachshund Rescue of North America
And if you live in eastern Canada or New England, take your special pup to the Montreal Races.


Tinker gets out for some fun in the snow

I noticed something this weekend on Youtube, and figured why not join the crowd. Videos of animals doing cute or silly thing, tend to get a lot of views.
My answer to this? Take Tinker outside to have some fun in the snow and capture it with the camera, and for those who do not know, Tinker is our 3 year old smooth hair Dachshund. She is not quite a full size, and just a bit to big for a mini, so she falls under the category of a tween (and thankfully, she is not a Twilight fan). She is also a dapple pattern, not the more frequently seen Red, Black or Tan colours.
For a camera, I used the Canon PowerShot Elph 300HS that I bought last spring before my trips to Washington DCChicago IL, and Kolkata India. I really like this camera for it’s ease of use and size. It also has the ability to shoot in 1080p HD and do to slow-motion at 240fps at 320×240, which is really fun to play with.

Since it has recently snowed, I figured why not take Tinker out and have some fun.

Here is Tinker on the deck, and I’m part way up the hill in the back yard calling for her, but she doesn’t want to jump off.

Here she is running through the snow, using my footprints as a guide.

Here she is trying to figure out how to get down the hill to mommy, without having to run through the snow.

Here she is plowing through the snow, running down the hill to mommy.

And finally, I had to get a slow-motion capture of her running back up the hill.

She was starting to get cold, so I called it a day… next time, I’ll make her wear her coat.

Unleash the hounds!

Something that is missing from this city, and this province… Weiner Dog Races!
Being an owner of a Dachshund, I can confirm that they are little tubes of energy… except the mandatory ~18 hours of sleeping (at least, that’s probably the number of hours that mine logs everyday).
I wonder how much effort it would take to organize a Dachshund race, or maybe a Weiner day in Saint John, Fredericton or even Moncton.

Here’s what a Weiner dog race looks like, just for reference.

I’m sure Tinker would enjoy it.