Whoa, you’re probably thinking that there is already enough ‘Of the Week’ out there on the Internet… you are wrong, there can never be enough silliness on the internet. So, I am going to do my own and add it into my blog and -try- to keep it going every week.
So, let me start off with a few items to get me going, and I will expand categories and area’s covered later (and with some suggestions… if anyone actually reads this page)
Music Mash up of the Week:
Avicii vs. Adele – Rolling in the Levels.
Why I choose this: I am a fan of trance/techno/house music, of which Avicii is probably the hottest name out there right now, so take his song ‘Levels‘ and combine it with Adele‘s ‘Rolling in the Deep‘ and you get a mash up masterpiece.
eBay auction of the Week:
Fossilized Dinosaur Poop

Why I choose this: Seriously? Someone actually wants to own fossilized dino poop? Maybe I should start saving Tinker’s daily deposits and find a way to fossilize them fast and sell them…. there might just be a market for it.
Kijiji Ad of the week:
And I quote “Desperate need of a fuel pump for my Chicken Plucker”
Why I choose this: I was intrigued to see a chicken plucker… then I read the description and it was pure gold.
News Article of the Week:
Miami police shoot naked man chewing on other mans face.
Why I choose this: Do I even need to explain? Let me narrow it down to 2 words, that are clearly visible in the above image… ‘Zombie Apocalypse’… if this is the case, then try and memorize the rules for survival below.
- Cardio
- The Double Tap
- Beware of Bathrooms
- Wear Seat Belts
- No Attachments
- The “Skillet”
- Travel Light
- Get a Kick Ass Partner
- With your Bare Hands
- Don’t Swing Low
- Use Your Foot
- Bounty Paper Towels
- Shake it Off
- Always carry a change of underwear
- Bowling Ball
- Opportunity Knocks
- Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)
- Limber Up
- Break it Up
- It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint
- Avoid Strip Clubs
- When in doubt Know your way out
- Zipplock
- Use your thumbs
- Shoot First
- A little sun screen never hurt anybody
- Incoming!
- Double-Knot your Shoes
- The Buddy System
- Pack your stain stick
- Check the back seat
- Enjoy the little things
- Swiss army Knife