Here we go with this weeks edition of Best of the Week.
Movie Trailer of the Week:
42 – In theaters April 12th, 2013
Synopsis: The life story of Jackie Robinson and his history-making signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers under the guidance of team executive Branch Rickey.
I may not big a big fan of Baseball, or a lot of other sports, but the Jackie Robinson story is important. It not only changed baseball, but a lot of other sports as well. The biggest name to star in this film is Harrison Ford, and he is joined by one of my favourites, Alan Tudyk and Chadwick Boseman, who will take on the main role.
News Article of the Week:
Researcher hacks aircraft controls with Android smartphone.
I’m and android user and I’m a pilot. This hits close to home, well, sort of. The gentlemen that did this is also an android fan and developer, and also a pilot. His main reason behind doing this little experiment was to open the eyes of the aviation industry to the fact that a lot of the systems used to monitor commercial aircraft are not secure. His presentation is great, but does leave out a lot of key information that will keep your everyday users from taking over the flight your on. If it helps, the FAA and EASA ere made aware of his findings months ago and are already working on fixes.
Meme of the Week:
Dogs wearing Pantyhose
This is an odd little fetish isn’t it. This fad seems to be taking China by storm. After the original image from Chinese social network Weibo user Ulatang on April 2nd, hundreds of these photos have started popping up all over the internet. It’s almost like a strange new version of dogshaming.

As always, I’m still open to suggestions for other categories, and for nominations to get included on the list. You can let me know at: oftheweekATleighcDOTcom