Tag Archives: shut up and take my money

Best of the Week – 2612

Here we go with with this weeks edition of Best of the Week.

Movie Trailer of the Week:
Dredd – In theatre September 21st 2012

I don’t always get excited about a reboot/remake, but when I do, I expect awesomesauce. Yes, they are doing a reboot of the 1995 Judge Dredd which starred Sylvester Stallone. Now, the 1995 film wasn’t the best received, or well liked film… but this reboot does look good… and at least they waited 17 years to remake, unlike Spider Man.

Music Mash Up Awesomeness of the Week:
Sarah Donner and The OatmealThe Motherf*cking Pterodactyl

Warning: Language!
Matthew Inman runs The Oatmeal, a fricking awesome site with web comics, odd quizzes and more… and it’s all pure internet genius. Sarah Donner is an indie musician with her own record label, oh, and she loves cats. Together, they created one of the best videos ever.
Currently, Matthew and The Oatmeal are in a bit of a sticky wicket, as another website is trying to sue them for slander… but Matthew decided to leverage this and try and do some good, to the tune of raising $200,000+ to split between the National Wildlife Federation and the American Cancer Society. Here’s a recent article on the shenanigans that are going on.

News Article of the Week:
Google Nexus 7
Shut up and Take my moneyShut up and take my money! Google teamed up with Asus to make the Kindle Fire killer. The specs are amazing, a quad core cpu, 8 or 16gb or storage, 1280×800 display, and all for $199 ($209 in Canada), and add $50 to jump to 16gb. All it is really missing is HDMI out and expandable memory, though the second thing is negated by cloud storage.

eBay Auction of the Week:
4″ Kangaroo Scrotum Leather Pouch
Umm, well at least they got the ‘Pouch’ part. I was going to link to some collector popcorn, but the auction ends too soon.

I’m still open to suggestions for other categories, and for nominations to get included on the list. You can let me know at: oftheweekATleighcDOTcom