Here we go with this weeks edition of Best of the Week.
Movie Trailer of the Week:
Pain & Gain – In theatres April 26th, 2013
Synopsis: A trio of bodybuilders in Florida get caught up in an extortion ring and a kidnapping scheme that goes terribly wrong.
Michael Bay films don’t normally get me excited, especially after the lens flare filled trilogy about transforming robots from my childhood that has been destroyed, and I can never get those moments back. This might make the list of safe films that Bay has been involved with. Pain & Gain pairs up Marc Wahlberg with Dwayne Johnson in an action comedy based on a true story.
YouTube Video of the Week:
Sir Richard Branson‘s Guide to Getting Lucky
I’m a big fan of Mr. Branson. He started out with a small record store and turned it into a global empire that includes airlines, cellular service, recording and more stores, just look at the complete list here. Now here he is announcing what seems to be a late April Fool’s joke, giving airline passengers the ability to order drinks and food for other’s they find attractive, and sending them a personalized hello message. I would never use it, but I’m sure there are others that will take full advantage of this new service.
News Article of the Week:
Mormon bishop runs off neighbours attacker using a samurai sword.
What would you do if you child told you that your female neighbour was being mugged? Probably not what Kent Hendrix from Salt Lake City did. Hendrix rendered aid with the 29 inch long carbon steel samurai sword he keeps in his bedroom, most likely for self-defence. Hendrix, a trained martial arts instructor, confronted the attack, who backed down and later turned himself into the police.

As always, I’m still open to suggestions for other categories, and for nominations to get included on the list. You can let me know at: oftheweekATleighcDOTcom