Tag Archives: horses

Best of the Week – 0113

Here we go with this weeks edition of Best of the Week, first of 2013!

Movie Trailer of the Week: 

World War Z – In theatres June 21st, 2013

Synopsis:A U.N. employee is racing against time and fate, as he travels the world trying to stop the outbreak of a deadly Zombie pandemic.
Zombies! They are all the rage now, so much more than vampires, cause they don’t sparkle and they don’t care about anything. Brad Pitt takes on the main role as Gerry Lane, and well, he’s about the only name I recognized in the cast list. Please don’t suck like your Chanel commercial, and cut your hair, you look like a hippy.

YouTube Video of the Week:

The Big Fat Quiz of the Year – 2012
The annual Channel 4 hit is back and better than ever… maybe, I still haven’t seen it yet, need to wait for the wife. As always, the show is hosted by comedian Jimmy Carr and features a few names you might know, including the ever-present Jonathan Ross and The IT Crowd‘s own Maurice Moss, Richard Ayoade.

News Article of the Week:

Video captures a man brutalizing and having sex with a horse.
Mr. Ed would not approve. And I thought that the sheep in Scotland had something to worry about, now we have a crazy running around Florida having carnal relations with horses! I guess I shouldn’t pick on Scotland, considering my heritage… I need to pick on Florida, and here’s why.. .and I quote “Florida is one of a handful of states with laws against having sex with animals. That law passed in 2011.” 2011… up until just over a year ago it was ok??? Seriously Florida.
Proof: http://laws.flrules.org/files/Ch_2011-042_0.pdf

Mister Ed, in the news this week.
He would rather play Chess.








App of the Week:

ES File Explorer/File Manager
Synopsis: Featured File manager & App manager which can explore the phones & computers.
ES File Explorer is a free, full-featured file and application manager. It functions as all of these apps in one: file manager, application manager, task killer, cloud storage client (compatible with Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Box.net, Sugarsync, Yandex, Amazon S3, and Ubuntu One), FTP client, and Samba client.
It provides access to pictures, music, video, documents, and other files on both your Android devices and your computers.

As always, I’m still open to suggestions for other categories, and for nominations to get included on the list. You can let me know at: oftheweekATleighcDOTcom