Tag Archives: bear

Best of the Week – 2512

Here we go with with this weeks edition of Best of the Week.

Movie Trailer of the Week:
Ted – In theatre June 29th 2012

This looks like it is going to be a good comedy to get the summer season started. It’s Seth MacFarlanes first full length feature film, and we all know him from Family Guy and American Dad!. Oh, and you might want to check out the more adult version of the trailer too.

Music Mash Up of the Week:
Gorillaz vs Genesis – Stylo Can’t Dance
OMG, the first reader submitted content! (Thanks Melissa)
I was surprised how well the songs meshed together, not to mention the video itself. Gorillaz is famous for their animated videos, and has made some of my favourite songs in the past, and the video for Stylo was no exception… of course, it does help having Bruce Willis in it too. Now we mash in the other awesome that it Genesis, home to the great Phil Collins, and bring in their video and vocals from I can’t Dance, straight out of 1991.

News Article of the Week:
NeverSeconds photo ban lifted
Student write blog about sad state of food in school cafeteria, all while raising money to send food to less fortunate children. School bans student from taking pictures of food to post on blog. Student shuts down blog (no really, but posts message stating she is done). Internet finds out. Internet unleashes upon the school board an epic display of the Streisand Effect. School board council chairman over turns decision, supports freedom of speech and expression.
Martha PayneSeriously, how could you say “No, you cannot take pictures of your food and write a blog about is” to this girl.







eBay Auction of the Week:
Haunted Demon Power Ring!! (warning, seller embedded a youtube video… it’s sad)
I have just one thing to say about this… Lord of The Rings!

Meme of the Week:
Samuel L. Jackson and Siri
Samuel L Jackson Siri










And you can even make your own!!! There are some really awesome ones on this site.

I’m still open to suggestions for other categories, and for nominations to get included on the list. You can let me know at: oftheweekATleighcDOTcom