Tag Archives: alien

Best of the Week – 2312

A little note here, you’ll notice the number in the title. It is to represent the week and year, this being the 23rd week of the year, and the year being 2012.
Now, on with the show.

Best new movie preview of the week:
Wreck-it Ralph – In theaters November 2nd, 2012
This film screams nerdgasm. A video game character who leaves his game to try and switch from the bad side to the good side… and cameos by some of the most recognized video game characters ever.

Music Mash up Mix of the week:
Mister Rogers Remixed – Gardens of your mind

If you ever saw this man on television, you’ll get it. They don’t make shows like this any more, and Mister Rogers Neighbourhood was one of the best children’s tv shows of all time.

 eBay auction of the week:
Alien fetus in a jar (with after birth!)
It’s a good thing that it says prop, as I am sure there are people out there who would actually believe that this is real… in fact, I probably know a few.

Kijiji post of the week:
Short Fat Guy Moving – This one if for you Micah
It was the title that grabbed my eye, since I know a few ‘Short Fat Guys’. I must say, well played man, this ad is definitely and attention getter, and your rates seem decent.

News article of the week:
Nakawic boy creates band album art
Wyatt Band LogoKids, don’t give up your dreams. This involves a young kid that drew a picture, had it posted at a cat show, it was noticed by a band that was in the area, and now it’s the cover of their album.
The band is called The Danger Bees btw… I might have to check them out.




I’m still open to suggestions for other categories, and for nominations to get included on the list. You can let me know at: oftheweekATleighcDOTcom