Cowboy Golden Lager

The Beer is ready for consumption!

Now that the waiting is over, I finally get to taste my Cowboy Golden Lager that was part of the Mr.Beer Premium Gold Edition kit I ordered from Amazon before Christmas. You will probably have to go back through some of my previous posts to follow the process from start to finish, but it’s all written down somewhere.. (Specifically here, here and here.) Now, I’ve tried numerous different beers over the years… Stout, Pilsner, Lager, Wheat, Ale, Bitter and Cider… and this was my first venture into brewing more complicated then my 2 litre Mister Beer Bottle Brew‘s.

Cowboy Golden LagerI had taken the time to place the beer in the downstairs micro fridge on Friday before heading to work, with the intention to have it ready when I got home, but other things came up and I was unable to consume it that night.  Finally, Saturday and lots of free time, so fire up Netflix, find some episodes of Battlestar Galactica, find a clean glass from the bar and finally try my first real home made beer.

Wow. Light. Smooth. and even slightly bitter (umm… extra hops). I was slightly surprised by the bitter taste, but it wasn’t over powering or anything that would put me off drinking the rest of the batch, though I would not drink it all right away.  Two and a half glasses later, and it was all gone… though the last glass did have a cloudy experience due to the sediment. One bottle down, 7 to go… should be fun, though I may share some with a few other beer fans… I hope they will let me down gently.

P.S. I know it has taken forever for me to finally post this, but life has been busy and my free time hasn’t really been there… hopefully, I will at least be able to post some other things more frequently.